Fly, Johnson, Fly


With football season a mere 94 days away, it’s about time to start talking about it. Therefore, I’m doing something I never hardly do: Talking about pro football.

As some most all of you know, Lane Johnson was the first pick for our very own Eagles. Some (obviously non-Sooner) fans have questioned this pick. How good is Johnson? Was he the “right pick” for the team? How will he fare in his first year? Some may say the answers aren’t “Fantastic”, “Duh!” and “Does the phrase ‘Rookie of the Year’ mean anything to you?”. Those people would be sorely mistaken. Just sayin’

That said, here is a good article about Johnson, the O-line, and how the Eagles offensive is doing.

Per the article, Johnson’s goals for his first year extend beyond cheesesteaks. In fact, “Johnson added that he has two specific goals for his rookie season – to be a starter in Week 1 and to make the playoffs.”

What do I think?